
The Wrath of Hail

Hail can be a beautiful sight to see, especially from the comfort of your home. However, when it comes crashing down on your car, it can be a nightmare. Hail damage can cause dents, scratches, and broken windows. In this article, we’ll explain exactly how to file a hail damage car insurance claim.

The Importance of Filing an Insurance Claim

Knowing how to file a hail damage car insurance claim is crucial because it will ensure that you get the necessary repairs done to your vehicle without having to pay too much out of pocket. It will also protect you from any future damages that may occur due to the hailstorm.

Most insurance policies cover hail damage as long as you have comprehensive coverage in place at the time of the incident. According to the Wyoming Dept. of Insurance, comprehensive coverage pays for damage to your auto from almost all other losses other than collision. These may include theft, fire, vandalism, falling objects or animal damage. It’s important to file a claim as soon as possible after experiencing hail damage so that you can get back on the road quickly and safely.

Assessing the Damage

Inspect the car for any visible signs of hail damage

The first thing you need to do when assessing the damage of your car after a hailstorm is to find visible signs of dents or cracks. Hailstones can cause tiny dents that are barely noticeable, but if they are left untreated, they can lead to bigger problems and even rust over time.

If your vehicle has been parked outside during a severe hailstorm, it’s highly likely that it has sustained some damages. A thorough inspection should be performed on your car to ensure all damage is documented.

Take photos or videos of the damage as evidence

Step one of how to file a hail damage car insurance claim is having evidence of the damages sustained. Take photos and videos of all visible damages on your vehicle.

huge hailstones

Make sure that the pictures show different angles and perspectives, including close-ups and far-away shots to give more context about how severe the damages are. This documentation will help you with communicating with your insurance provider about how much compensation you should receive for repairs or replacement costs.

Overall, assessing the damage done to your vehicle after a hailstorm can help you make accurate claims with less likelihood for disputes down the line. By inspecting your car conscientiously and taking comprehensive photos or videos as evidence, you have taken a vital step towards receiving adequate compensation from your insurance company.

Contacting Your Insurance Company

When to Contact Your Insurance Company

The moment you discover your car has been damaged by hail, it’s important to contact your insurance provider as soon as possible. Don’t wait too long or you could risk being denied coverage. Most insurance companies require that you report any damage within a specific period of time after the incident occurred.

How to Contact Your Insurance Provider

You can typically find your insurance policy information on your policy document, or you may be able to access it through your insurer’s website or app. Once you have the necessary information, call your provider’s claim hotline or customer service line and explain that you have experienced hail damage and provide them with details about the incident.

What Information to Provide

When contacting your insurance company, be sure to provide as much detail as possible about the incident. This includes the date and time of the hailstorm that caused the damage, where the car was located during the storm and what kind of damage it sustained.

You should also provide any photos or videos of the damage that you have taken, so they can better assess how much it will cost to repair. The more information you can provide upfront, the smoother and faster the claims process will go.

Providing Documentation

Send photos or videos of the damage to your insurance provider

After contacting your insurance company, you will need to provide them with documentation of the hail damage to your vehicle. This documentation will serve as evidence to support your claim.

Take clear and detailed photos or videos of all visible damage on your vehicle, including dents, cracks, and scratches. Make sure to capture images from different angles so that the adjuster can see the extent of the damage.

how to file a hail damage insurance claim

Once you have taken these photos or videos, you can upload them onto a cloud storage platform like Dropbox or Google Drive. You can then share the link with your insurance provider for easy access.

Provide any additional information they may request, such as a police report or repair estimates

Your insurance provider may also request additional information about the incident that caused the hail damage to your car. This could include a police report if you were involved in an accident related to hail damage, or repair estimates from an auto body shop. Obtaining a police report is important if there was another driver involved in an accident related to hail damage in order to establish fault and liability for damages incurred.

Repair estimates are useful for determining how much money it will take to fix all damages incurred from hail strikes on your car. Providing any additional information requested by your insurer promptly can help speed up the claims process and maximize reimbursement for repairs.

Scheduling an Inspection

Let the Adjuster Check Your Car

Once you have contacted your insurance provider, they will assign an adjuster to inspect your car and document the hail damage. It is important that you schedule this inspection as soon as possible to ensure a timely claim resolution. After scheduling the inspection, be sure to ask for the adjuster’s name and contact information so that you can follow up if necessary.

Attend the Inspection

When it comes time for the inspection, make sure that you are present and available. The adjuster should examine your car in person, taking note of any dents, scratches, or other forms of damage caused by hail. This is also a good opportunity for you to point out any damages that you may have noticed but were not immediately visible.

Documenting Damage

During the inspection process, make sure that all damages are documented thoroughly. Ask questions about anything that is unclear or uncertain and provide additional context where necessary.

Remember that even small dents or scratches can add up quickly in terms of cost when repairing a vehicle damaged by hail. Once the inspection has been completed and all damages have been documented, your insurance provider will review all documentation and provide you with a settlement offer based on their findings.

It’s important to remember that while some policies may offer full coverage for hail damage repairs, others may only cover a portion of them. So be sure to review your policy closely before filing a claim to avoid any surprises later on down the line.

And no matter what – NEVER accept the insurance adjuster’s first settlement offer! Insurance companies are notorious for lowballing the initial estimates because they know that most people will simply cash the check and never repair their cars. That is a HUGE mistake! Don’t fall into that trap!

Receiving a Settlement Offer

The Waiting Game

After you’ve gathered all the necessary documentation and provided it to your insurance provider, all that’s left is to wait for them to review it and provide you with a settlement offer. This can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the complexity of the damage and the workload of your provider.

While waiting, try not to stress too much. Instead, use this time to research reputable repair shops in your area and gather estimates.

Negotiating Like a Pro When Filing a Hail Damage Claim

When you finally receive your settlement offer, review it carefully. Make sure that it covers all of the damages listed in your claim and is fair based on industry standards.

If you feel that the offer is too low or unfair in any way, don’t be afraid to negotiate with your insurance provider. Keep in mind that some policies may have limits on coverage for hail damage, so be realistic in your expectations.

If you’re unsure how to approach negotiations or feel intimidated by the process, consider asking a trusted collision center to write up a thorough estimate.  Hiring an experienced public adjuster can also help you get the most out of your claim. Just remember that hiring an adjuster will likely cost you a percentage of your settlement amount, so weigh this cost against potential gains before making any decisions.

Filing a hail damage car insurance claim can be stressful but ultimately rewarding if done correctly. By following these steps and being patient throughout the process, you can increase your chances of receiving fair compensation for any damages incurred by hailstorms.

Repairing Your Vehicle

Choose a Reputable Repair Shop that Specializes in Repairing Hail-Damaged Vehicles

After receiving your settlement offer, it’s time to choose a repair shop for your hail-damaged car. You want to pick a reputable and experienced shop that specializes in repairing hail damage.

Ask for recommendations from friends or family, or do some research online. Make sure the shop you choose has experience working with your make and model of vehicle.

Work with Them to Schedule Repairs

Once you have chosen a repair shop, work with them to schedule the repairs. Keep in mind that depending on the extent of the damage, repairs may take several days or longer. It’s also common that many people’s cars were damaged in the same storm, so there may be a delay in starting your repair. Your best bet is to move quickly!

Make arrangements for alternate transportation during this time if necessary. It’s also important to stay in touch with the repair shop throughout the process and ask any questions you may have about the repairs.


If you don’t know how to file a hail damage car insurance claim, it can be stressful. But it’s important to take action quickly to prevent further damage and receive proper compensation. Assessing your vehicle’s damage, contacting your insurance company, providing documentation, scheduling an inspection, negotiating a settlement offer if necessary, and choosing a reputable repair shop are all crucial steps in this process. By following these steps carefully and working with trusted professionals along the way, you can get back on the road safely and confidently after experiencing hail damage to your vehicle.